The Benefits of Football for Children’s Health

Football is a sport that involves teams and is generally played outdoors, namely open fields. Generally, this type of sport is very popular with boys, but some girls also like it. As with other types of sports, soccer has a myriad of benefits. Here are the various functions of football for children’s health.

1. Improve health

Playing soccer requires children to run here and there to chase the ball on the field. This activity is definitely useful for burning calories and causing him to sweat. This is very good for children’s health, because it can make the baby’s body fitter. With regular exercise, the child’s immune system can increase. As a result, he is able to avoid many types of diseases, such as the flu and many other types of diseases. read more

2. Support heart health

While playing soccer, the child’s body can keep moving. This physical activity makes the heart beat faster and makes the child breathe more often. This type of exercise is able to increase the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to all body cells, so it is very good for supporting heart health and reducing the risk of heart problems in children.

3. Controlling weight gain

Increased body weight without being passed properly can cause children to experience obesity. This condition is not good for children’s health, because it can increase the risk of children experiencing dangerous diseases, such as high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and the emergence of breathing problems, such as asthma. Sports such as playing soccer are believed to be able to help control children’s weight gain.

4. Supports muscle and bone performance

Football is able to support the development of muscles and bones in children, because it keeps children moving, trains muscles and bones, through various movements of running and kicking. In addition, this sport is generally carried out in an open field and exposes children to the sun. Sunlight is very good in increasing the intake of vitamin D in the body. The presence of this vitamin is needed to absorb calcium, so that the child’s bones are healthy and strong. By having healthy muscles and bones, children are protected from bone disorders, such as osteoporosis in the future, and are free to move around every day.

5. Developing a child’s personality

By playing soccer, children don’t just run around, but they also learn how to communicate and work well between team members. At this moment, children can learn about how to make friends, either with fellow members or opposing teams. This is very good for developing social skills and personality. In addition, through this sport, children are also able to study leadership and empathy.