Types of Houses and Residential

Houses and other residential models are things that cannot be separated from the needs of human life. The house is useful as an area of shelter, living area, and gathering with family. Before choosing, get to know the models of houses and dwellings in general in Indonesia. Houses that stand on the ground have been famous for millions of years.

The shape varies, as well as the material from which it is made. Over time, the types of houses are increasingly diverse. On the other hand, the house is not always built on the ground. This is due to the narrowness of land and the high price of land. Various alternative housing models also emerged. Before choosing the right house or residential model for you, get to know it completely on village of ashley site, come on!

1. Landed House

A tread house is a residential model that is built directly on the ground. In the past, most of the landed houses were separated from other houses. People commonly call it a single or detached house. The increasingly high price of land causes this type of dwelling to be transformed into a row house/house with walls attached to one another.

Over time, this meaning is increasingly commonly used to refer to houses built directly on the ground. The main characteristic of a landed house is that apart from the building that is directly on the ground, the ownership right is also in the form of a single property.

2. Town Houses

The house in this town house type complex is said to be a horizontal apartment. Why is that? That’s because one house with another is the same both outside and inside. Inside the town house residential complex there are common facilities that can be used by all residents who live in it. The shape of the houses in the town house are almost the same as each other.

3. Clusters

Housing is a housing complex which is divided into more than one area or sub-complex. Within the sub-complex, there are houses with the same model and common facilities specifically used by the residents. However, the cluster includes a play area that can be used by residents of all sub-complexes. Another feature to realize a residential model is called a cluster is the presence of a tall fence around it.

4. Single House (Detached)

As previously mentioned, in the following era, most of the houses were of a single type. Now, the single dwelling model still exists but is commonly used as a resting area in his spare time. Examples of single or detached houses today are mansions, cottages, villas or bungalows. Usually these houses are located in mountainous or coastal areas, both privately owned and owned by individuals to be used as lodging.

5. Coupling House

If you play in West Java areas such as Bandung and Garut, you will often see duplexes. A coupling house is a residential model in the form of one building that is split into two. The houses have the same appearance, and are balanced in size because they are only separated by one wall. Even though it looks like one house is divided into two, this model of house turns out to be occupied by different people. In general, the houses in Bandung and Garut are coupling models that are inherited from the Netherlands with a distinctive colonial design.